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Final Report Snack Bar Industry

Final Report Snack Bar Industry

Q Situation Analysis Industry Background o Size o Growth o Current Trends/Developments Affecting the Promotion Program o Important macro-environmental issues (e.g., demographic, economic, technological, social, cultural, environmental- be brief, pick the most significant) Marketing Goals Marketing goals are what is to be accomplished by the overall marketing program. The situation analysis is the foundation for the marketing goals. They are defined in terms of one or some combination of the following: o Sales Volume o Market Share o Return on Investment Marketing goals and communications objectives are not the same. Marketing goals establish a framework for the determination of communications objectives. Competitive Review o Direct and Indirect Competitors o Positioning o Current Marketing Programs o Message Strategies o Media Strategies o Overall Assessment Buyer Analysis • SEGMENTATION ANALYSIS* o Bases of segmentation (demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors) o Develop User Profile by including ? Who Buys the Product ? Who Influences the Purchase Decision? ? Who Makes the Decision? ? Decision Criteria ? Is buying behavior characterized by extended or limited problem solving? ? Is the product/brand a high-involvement or low-involvement purchase? ? Summarize the key factors that influence buyer behavior for this product ? Positioning Statement* Communications Objectives, Creative Strategy & IMC Mix Campaign Objectives* Creative Strategy Recommendations o The Copy Platform* ? Advertising Objectives, key benefits ? Message Strategy ? Consistency with the positioning statement* o Message Appeals o Rationale for Creative Recommendations* o Executions* ? Include ONE in store Tactic execution (see in store ppt presentation- pick ANY ONE – need a story board for in store TV ad) to close the purchase IMC Mix o Identification of the major IMC elements to support the in store tactic you developed o The rationale for the recommended mix* o Consistency with the positioning statement* Media Plan* o Media Mix Recommendations and Rationale o Consistency with the positioning statement* Geographic Scope (Cleveland/Akron/Canton DMA) o Scheduling Pattern and Rationale o Reach and Frequency with Rationale Media Flowchart* o Media Plan Rationale – Summary Budget Breakdown* o By IMC element Campaign Flowchart*: A one-page summary diagram showing o The timing of the major elements o Events, Activities of the campaign. o The campaign flowchart shows at a glance what is to happen when throughout the entire campaign. Media Kits, Media Guides, and Directories Media kits are often available for your use in designing the media plan for your campaign. These include media kits for magazines, newspapers, television, radio, billboard, transit, out-of-home, Internet, and other media types. Often, the media kits are available on the Internet. If not, they can be requested from the various media companies directly. In addition, several media guides and directories containing a wealth of information may be available in the library or on the Internet. ?

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In this assignment, the need of advertising and promoting for the snack bar industry of the United States will be discussed in a detailed manner. Being an employee of Fair Marketing Inc., it is the responsibility of the individual to prepare a perfect media and marketing plan for helping KASHI to promote its snack bars in the market. Fair Marketing Inc. is a famous corporation helping its clients to overcome any kind of issue regarding the campaign and promotion for the products. In this paper, IMC plan will be discussed according to the target market.